A Guided Tour to the How to Write and Publish Your Book Course - Free Webinar
A sneak preview of the structure and content of the course
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A sneak preview of the structure and content of the course – how it has helped coaches, therapists and other skilled helpers to get from initial idea to publication.
People who are interested in attending the How to Write and Publish your Book – with Pete Mosley.
Pete Mosley (The author/publisher of The Art of Shouting Quietly, The designer of The Confidence Toolkit. Barefoot associate, a PG Cert. ICF credentialled PCC coach, previously Business Editor of craft & design magazine for 7 years, and his work features regularly on Psychologies Magazine’s Life Labs platform.)

This programme has been such a positive influence during a time of change and uncertainty. Having a safe space made available with other like-minded women is something that is not always readily available in life. The course has been suitably though provoking, uplifting, emotional and only in a positive way. Credit to Jo and Laura for creating such a wonderful space for women to be heard and valued and for actively encouraging everyone of us to value and believe in ourselves.
Shona Watson, GU6ix Limited.
I loved the practical tips around perfectionism, assertiveness training. I found these to be most helpful. Jo was also so fantastic - her energy was perfect for what the group needed and she was just such a great listener which I commend considering the length of the course and the different scenarios each of us would throw at her. She really made the course!
Course Participant