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Short Courses

"When we stop developing ourselves, we stop being effective at developing others" - Hawkins & Smith

The ICF requires that all credential holders (ACC/PCC/MCC) undertake 40 hours of Continuing Coach Education (CCE) in the 3 years since the initial award or since the last credential renewal.

Barefoot Coaching offers a wide range of programmes and short courses for existing coaches, many of which carry ICF CCEs. Make some time to learn a new skill or add to your existing coaching offering and earn ICF CCEs at the same time.

This highly interactive programme will introduce key concepts, theories and techniques that inform the practise of Family & Relationship Coaching.

Coaches are becoming more familiar with and working towards a trauma informed approach, which is the practice of understanding the existence of past trauma in a client, rather than taking on the role of a therapist who would typically seek to work with and treat trauma. This short course aims to introduce coaches to trauma and how to, or not, work with it in an authentic way.

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