Get to Know Barefoot Coaching
Making the world a brighter place through exceptional coaching.
Barefoot Coaching are experts in coaching and coach training for organisations and individuals operating at every level.
Founded by Kim Morgan MCC, our CEO, who is one of the UK’s first executive coaches, and has been at the forefront of the UK coaching and coach training industry for over 25 years.
Barefoot Coaching pioneered the development of ICF and University approved coach education in the UK and we are as passionately committed to it today as we always have been. Our courses combine psychological depth, academic rigour and a highly practical focus to offer every delegate a memorable, relevant and highly respected learning experience.

Global Community of Barefoot Coaches
Barefoot have trained over 4,000 coaches from 28 different countries around the world with this number continuing to grow every year.

United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
Hong Kong
Our Values
Making the World a Brighter Place Through Exceptional Coaching
Pioneers of Coaching to the Highest Industry Standards
Experienced Industy
Truth Tellers
Inspiring Personal
A Community of
Continuous Learners
Distillers of
Building Relationships of
Trust & Respect
Meet Kim and Andy

Kim Morgan
Chairperson - MA, MCC
Kim is an internationally recognised expert in coaching and coach training, one of the select band of coaches accredited by the ICF as a Master Certified Coach. She draws extensively on her own experience of what works in practice to make successful individuals, great leaders, productive teams and organisations, and outstanding coaches.
Kim designed and launched the Barefoot Flagship Course in 2001. Kim’s passion and curiosity ensure that the course is constantly evolving, refreshed by new ideas and thinking and always remains grounded in ethical and psychological rigour.
Kim’s passion to spread the word about coaching has resulted in two best-selling books, ‘The Coach’s Casebook’ (2015) and ‘The Coach’s Survival Guide (2019). Kim also has a monthly coaching column in Psychologies Magazine, and she is a sought-after conference speaker on all things coaching related.
Under Kim’s leadership Barefoot Coaching has established an international reputation as one of the most trusted and respected providers of coach training. Over 4,000 coaches from 28 different countries have chosen Barefoot to begin or to build their coaching careers. Kim’s vision remains the same, to make the world a brighter place through exceptional coaching; firstly, by providing world-class training for coaches who want to make a difference, and secondly by delivering Barefoot-quality coaching to individuals and organisations looking for real and lasting change.
“Kim Morgan is a real-life inspiration. She is the most authentic, passionate, sincere and driven woman out there and I would defy anyone that has the good fortune to spend time in her company, not to emerge feeling better and richer as a result. Her Barefoot Coaching company delivers amazing results.” – Damian Hughes

Andy Chandler
Chief Executive Office - MBA, PCC
Andy has over 30 years’ experience working as a senior leader across multiple sectors including retail, healthcare and professional services.
He first joined Barefoot Coaching as a delegate on the flagship programme in 2014. He recalls consciously doing so in the hope of being able to strengthen his leadership with the power of coaching whilst also reflecting that perhaps he was also exploring other alternatives to future career options! The training was, in his words, a revelation that ignited his passion for discovering the power of coaching and affirmation of his self-confessed status as a life-long learner.
Little did he know then that he would return to Barefoot Coaching in 2021 after several years of building and running his own successful coaching business.
As Managing Director, Andy works closely with Kim to set the direction and strategy of the business and build on the incredibly solid foundations and reputation that Barefoot has built for itself as a pioneers of coaching to the highest industry standards.
He also looks after the day to day running of the business and leads the talented Barefoot team and Associates who help make Barefoot what it is. He is passionate about ensuring that everything Barefoot does continues to be to the highest standards and he keeps a significant focus on the importance of delighting coach training delegates as well as corporate clients.
As well as working on the business, he works in the business as a Barefoot trained, ICF accredited PCC coach. He has a passion for working with leadership teams and is a practitioner and continuous student of the practise of systemic team coaching.
History and Vision
Whilst we’ve been at the forefront of coach training and coaching for over 25 years, our vision is as relevant now as it was when we first started: to make the world a brighter place through exceptional coaching. We do this in two ways. Firstly, by providing world-class training for coaches who want to make a difference and secondly, by providing coaching to those people and organisations that want to make a change. No one can see into the future, but we have every intention of continuing to be pioneers of coaching to the highest industry standards. Making the world an exceptional place means that we’re also determined to play our part in creating a fair society where coach training and coaching is made available to all.

Barefoot Founder & CEO, Kim Morgan took inspiration for the name Barefoot Coaching from the poem, ‘If I had my Life to Live Over’ by Nadine Stair. Here’s the short excerpt that was the main inspiration.
“If I had my life to live over, I’d dare to make more mistakes next time. I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and would stay that way later in the fall…”
Giving back
Our desire to make the world a brighter place through exceptional coaching isn’t just about providing world-class coach training and coaching. It’s about making choices, taking action and playing an active and valuable role in society. For Barefoot this means being there for those members and sections of society who wouldn’t normally be able to access coach training and coaching. We’re continually expanding how we ‘give back’ and some of our current initiatives include: each in-house qualified coach providing regular pro-bono and heavily discounted coaching; free places being made available on a selection of Barefoot short-courses; fully funded places on our flagship coach training programme.
Broxtowe Women’s Project
BWP is a Nottinghamshire based support and advice charity for women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse. They support survivors of current and historic domestic abuse at any stage in their recovery journey.
BWP provide guidance and training, they identify abilities and strengths, building on transferrable skills and supporting women towards positive progressions. They challenge the stigma associated with domestic abuse, advocate for women and their families, raise awareness to prevent abuse and campaign for an end to domestic abuse and violence and navigating women towards lives free from abuse.
Visit to find out more.