Group Coaching
Expand your coaching offering
Group Coaching is an exciting and significant growth area within the coaching profession.
It provides a wonderful opportunity for people in similar situations to be coached together and learn together in a safe and confidential group environment.
Group coaching can provide significant opportunities for coaches to expand their offering beyond 1:1 coaching.

Course Details
Professional, accredited coaches who want to expand their practice and increase their confidence to deliver group coaching.
- Role profile of a Group Coach.
- Different applications and structures for group coaching programmes.
- Group contracting.
- Adult learning principles.
- Group dynamics.
- Facilitation tips and potential pitfalls.
- Core elements in a group coaching programme.
- Making it work commercially.
Delegates will receive a Group Coaching Booklet to accompany the programme. Please make sure the address you provide when booking is the same address you would like this booklet posted to.
Please allow for approx 1 hour post each session for some tasks to be completed from the workbook ahead of the following session. This may include reading a section or completing a reflection exercise for example.
- Have reflected on group dynamics and the importance of psychological safety in groups.
- Have experienced group coaching in action.
- Understand the differences between team coaching, group coaching and facilitation.
- Be able to explore ideas, applications and structures for group coaching programmes.
- Evaluate ideas for a commercially viable group coaching offering.
4 hour online workshops
March 2025
Session 1 – Wednesday 12th March
Session 2 – Thursday 13th March
Session 3 – Wednesday 19th March
Session 4 – Thursday 20th March
June 2025
Session 1 – Monday 9th June
Session 2 – Tuesday 10th June
Session 3 – Monday 16th June
Session 4 – Tuesday 17th June
October 2025
Session 1 – Thursday 2nd October
Session 2 – Friday 3rd October
Session 3 – Thursday 9th October
Session 4 – Friday 10th October
December 2025
Session 1 – Monday 1st December
Session 2 – Tuesday 2nd December
Session 3 – Monday 8th December
Session 4 – Tuesday 9th December
This training is available at a cost of £675 plus VAT per delegate.
There are 12 places available, so book now to avoid disappointment.
The Barefoot Coaching Tutor Team
The course has been awarded 14 ICF CCE Points (7 CC & 7 RD)
This short course is not a “train the trainer” course. Our short courses generally provide introductions to complex and sometimes sensitive topics and the course and the materials provided are not designed to equip delegates to deliver training in these areas.
The materials provided by Barefoot on this short course, such as any slides or notes, are Barefoot materials, designed for your personal use as a delegate on the course. Please note that these materials should not be reproduced or distributed to third parties.