Our Founder and CEO Kim Morgan MCC has shared some thought-provoking words about the important topic of loneliness for Mental Health Awareness Week.
You can read about her experiences and take away some insightful tips for how you might be able to help someone you know who is suffering from loneliness, below.
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Mental Health Awareness Week focuses on the important and painful topic of loneliness.
Loneliness can arrive, unbidden, as a result of losses and changes in our lives: changes to our health, where we live, our work,
relationships, finances, appearance or capabilities. Any such changes can lead to feelings of loss and isolation, feelings of ‘I don’t know who I am any more’ and of not belonging.
None of us are immune from losses and changes in our lives, which can challenge the way we perceive ourselves and how we are perceived by society.
I have, on too many occasions, witnessed people I love being subjected to rejection and unkindness in times of loss or change, just when they most needed what we all need – to feel that we matter, that we are significant, accepted, valued and worthy of love.
This is not a post about what to do if you are lonely. It is a post – actually, a plea – about what you might do if you think someone else is suffering, is feeling lonely, excluded, or isolated.
(This is from the heart so please kindly excuse the ‘Hallmark style’ format 😊)
Listen with compassion and without judgement
Offer connection, comfort, and companionship
Never assume that you have to be alone to be lonely
Embrace difference and discomfort
Let go of self-complacency
Invest in acts of kindness
Notice when others are suffering and reach out to them
Extend helping hands and invitations
Say “I’m sorry you are feeling this way. How can I help?”
Show love..
If love is universal, no-one can be left out.
Deepak Chopra