Navigating the Summer Holidays: A Parent’s Guide to Balance and Connection

A mother and farther are lifting there child in a park. There are all smiling and are in casual jeans and t-shirts.

For many parents, the six-week holidays can evoke a mix of emotions. While you may relish the chance to have more time with your children, you may also feel apprehensive. This could be because of several reasons: Increased demand on your time and energy Limited access to usual resources and your child’s usual social networks […]

How to effectively coach your boss

A young man is sat talking to a young woman. There are large plants behind them and light is pouring in from the large windows and there is a laptop in front of them.

Ever wondered how to become the ‘Boss Whisperer’? Our Creative Director, Adam Goodman-Smith, explores the importance of coaching your boss, when it might be necessary, and provides five top tips for doing it effectively. Coaching is a skill that is often associated with guiding, supporting and developing employees. It’s used to unlock a person’s potential […]

Evolution of coaching in the workplace

An image of Barefoot CEO Andy Chandler

Our CEO and experienced executive coach, Andy Chandler, spoke to People Management to explore how coaching in the workplace has evolved since he entered the world of work more than 30 years ago. Ahead of International Coaching Week, he considers the notable shift in the landscape over recent decades. With coaching now more accessible than […]

How coaching can reduce stress in the workplace

A man and a woman are sat on soft chairs engaged in conversation. There are reusable coffee cups on the desk in front of them.

Our Creative Director, Adam Goodman-Smith, spoke to Workplace Wellbeing all about the importance of coaching in the workplace and how it can create an environment of encouragement and safety to help reduce stress. Everyone has felt stressed at some point in their life, and this is completely normal. Stress is primarily a physical response and, […]

How to Spring clean your life, simple steps to take

An image of Adam Goodman-Smith, Barefoot Coaching

As the end of March marks the official start, we thought there was no better time to explain why you should start the Spring clean – not just on your house, but your life. Most people associate Spring cleaning with getting your house in ship-shape just in time for the summer, a tradition which stems […]

According to a global survey, the coaching industry continues to grow at pace

Andy Chandler Barefoot Coaching

Earlier this year, the International Coaching Federation published the findings from their 2023 Global Coaching Study. In this article, Barefoot’s Managing Director Andy Chandler PCC shares his reflections on what makes for encouraging reading for the global coaching community. The long-awaited International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) Global Coaching Study 2023 is here. It takes a global perspective […]

I’m Coming Out (Again) a Self-Disclosing Article about Body Image

Im coming out again banner.

Pride month has now ended and in true ‘door handle moment’ fashion, I’ve waited until the very last opportunity to share the thing I’ve been wanting to share all June. Here’s the thing…I’ve had an unhappy relationship with my body for as long as I can remember (more on that to follow). However, through the […]

Tough Crowd

Kim Morgan on Notts TV

A couple of days ago I was interviewed on live TV. It was an exciting and challenging new experience for me. No green room, no hair and makeup.  Just 10 seconds to run into the studio, get on the sofa and straight into the 5-minute interview. Today, thinking about it objectively, I did ok.  I did my […]

Do You Have Impostor Syndrome? Coach Reveals the 6 Signs and How to Overcome It

Kim Morgan infront of a Barefoot Coaching wall sign.

“Everyone else is better than me. I am not as good as people think I am, and I am going to get found out.” Does this sound familiar? Impostor Syndrome is a psychological pattern that leads individuals to doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a “fraud.” It can be a significant source of […]

Bearing the Unbearable or Baring the Unbare-able – Kim Morgan

Winnie the Pooh and piglet drawing.

Last week, my therapist was talking to me about an academic paper entitled ‘Bearing the Unbearable’. I heard ‘Baring the Unbare-able’ It made me think about how “baring” our souls – sharing our fears, our anxieties with another – can lighten the burdens we are bearing. Sometimes, what we have considered to be unbare-able to […]