Systemic Coaching Fundamentals Part I:
Mapping the Field
Training in Systemic Coaching
with Constellations. A two-day training in London, exclusively for Barefoot Coaches

This short training is designed to introduce the systemic coaching and constellations methodology as applied in coaching individuals, groups and teams.

Course Details
This two-day training will appeal to those Barefoot Coaches who would like to better understand the organising forces that sustain and limit relationship systems at work and who like to integrate a practical methodology for respectfully resolving limiting dynamics. You may be a very experienced coach or recently started on your journey.
This programme is exclusively available to Barefoot Alumni – this includes anyone who has completed our ICF Accredited Flagship Coach Training Programme, Team Coaching Practitioner Programme, Certificate in Coaching Supervision, or Coaching Skills Foundation Programme. Not sure if you are eligible? Get in touch.
The group will explore the organising principles of relationship systems and the application of systemic constellations in executive and leadership coaching. Highlights of the experiential training include:
A thorough introduction to the stance, principles and practices
The practical application of constellations in one-to-one coaching
An introduction to working with teams using this methodology
An understanding of your own systemic resources and loyalties
Participants are invited to read the first four chapters of ‘Systemic Coaching & Constellations’ before attending this experiential training. This will enhance your learning and ability to apply it.
You are welcome to explore the Trainings page which describes all our trainings in more detail.
Adrian Hall – Barefoot trained coach and member of the Coaching Constellations teaching faculty.
October Gallery, London, WC1N 3AL
- Day 1 – Thursday 30th October, 10:15 – 17:30
- Day 2 – Friday 31st October, 10:00 – 17:30
This training is available at a cost from £775 plus VAT per delegate. There are 12 places available, so book now to avoid disappointment.
Participating in this training will provide each participant with a Certificate in Systemic Coaching and Constellations – Fundamentals Part I, together with 12 hours of ICF ‘Continuous Coaching Education Units’, split 8.5 hours ‘core’ and 3.5 hours ‘resource development’.

“Since completing my coach training with Barefoot, like many other coaches, I have invested a great deal of time in my development as a coach. A number of years ago, prompted by my experience during Barefoot Coaching’s flagship coach training programme, I was introduced to the field of systemic coaching and constellations. Later I attended the 2017 Barefoot conference and watched John facilitate a large group constellation that had a lasting impact on everyone who was present. As a result, I went on to train with his organisation and now regularly integrate the systemic approach into my work with individuals and teams. The underpinning stance also informs me as a leader here at Barefoot. I have since gone on to complete many trainings with John and bring systemic coaching and constellations into my regular coaching practice, both with individuals and teams and also into my leadership role.
I am delighted to announce that Barefoot and Coaching Constellations are coming together to offer a short and powerful in-person two-day training in London that introduces the systemic coaching and constellations methodology. This programme, called Fundamentals Part I, will be hosted by Barefoot Coaching and facilitated by John Whittington and Adrian Hall. We are particularly delighted to have secured this exclusive arrangement that is available only to Barefoot Alumni.”
– Andy Chandler, Managing Director, Barefoot Coaching Limited