Family & Relationship Coaching
Expand your coaching offering
This highly interactive programme will introduce key concepts, theories and techniques that inform the practise of Family & Relationship Coaching.

Course Details
Trainee and experienced coaches with an interest in adding Family & Relationship Coaching to their Offering.
- Introduction to Family Coaching
- Virginia Satir’s Communication Approach
- Salvador Minuchin’s Structural Approach
- Strokes (Eric Berne) · The Gestalt Prayer – Fritz Perls
- Your Relationship as a Journey
- The Trust Equation (Green, C.H, & Howe, A.P)
- Have an understanding of key concepts, theories and techniques which underpin Family & Relationship Coaching
- Appreciate the importance of viewing coaching clients in the ‘context’ of their Families and Relationship
- Have practised experiential techniques, including ‘Family Sculpting’ and working with Family Metaphors
- Have learned the 4 components of Trusting Relationships and how they contribute to our Trust Quotient (TQ)
1x 7hr session
Wednesday 21st May 2025, 9.30am – 16.30pm
October Gallery,
24 Old Gloucester St,
This training is available at a cost of £375 plus VAT per delegate.
There are 16 places available, so book now to avoid disappointment.
John Perry (MA, MA, MA, MSc, FHEA)
Experienced teacher, counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, trainer, coach, mentor, pastoral tutor, university senior lecturer and conference speaker who has helped hundreds of people to overcome their learning blocks and to develop the confidence and motivation that comes from having high self-worth and a sense of purpose and direction, by replacing limiting, self-defeating beliefs with empowering, positive alternatives.
The course has been awarded 6 ICF CCE Points (4 CC & 2 RD)

What our Delegates say
“I loved this course, and I’m still processing /learning from the materials! There was a great balance between learning and discussing the theories with the opportunity to coach and be coached. John is a wonderful facilitator. He is generous with his knowledge, experience and extra reading materials. Even though the course was family coaching orientated, we discussed how the theories can be adapted for teams in organisations. I found lots of opportunities to use the materials in a variety of coaching settings. Brilliant!“
Niamh Cull