Barefoot discuss festive burnout on Notts TV

Our Head of Creative Development, Adam Goodman-Smith, joined Emma Caldwell on Notts TV for her final show of 2023 to discuss festive burnout, boundaries and wellbeing.

Broadcast to 30,000 viewers across the region, the interview was an opportunity for Adam to share advice and guidance from a coaching perspective for those who may find the festive season demanding.

From Christmas to New Year’s Eve, the party season comes with a lot of pressure and expectation, combined with a never-ending to-do list, which can often lead to people feeling fatigued and burnt out.

To avoid reaching this point, one of the key areas Adam discussed during the interview was how to set boundaries, and simply, how to ‘say no’.

He said: “The secret to declining social invitations, such as New Year’s Eve plans, is that there is no secret. You don’t need to make up excuses, it’s perfectly acceptable to say – I’d love to, but we’re having a few quiet days at home.

“If you’re worried that people might think bad of you if you say no – knock it off, the world doesn’t work like that. It’s not one chance and you’ve blown it. Remember, you cannot control what other people think of you, and essentially, it is none of your business.”

Setting boundaries can be a daunting prospect. As Adam explained, you have the right to ask for what you need, whether it’s more time, space, sleep, breaks from social media/WhatsApp, without feeling guilty. In taking such actions, you may even inspire others to do the same for themselves one day.

In summary, Adam stressed the fact that it’s your break too. During periods when life feels amplified, coaching techniques can be introduced to reground yourself and outline your needs.

To watch the full interview, click here.

Interested to find out more about coaching? Get in touch with our team at Barefoot to learn more.

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