Three Ways to Challenge the Impostor Within

The words am I good enough are written across a person palm.

Hello, I am an impostor. My name is Gemma and I am an impostor. There. I said it. My impostor tells me I shouldn’t admit this out loud and that if I say it then I will look even more like a fraud. But by now I’ve learnt that what my impostor tells me is rarely based on the truth.

Glitter Grief and Loss

Glitter Grief and Loss

This week has been a glitter week for me. The first shiny speck appeared, soon to be joined by more sparkly bits, forming a small cluster. Each time I thought I was glitter free, blow me if another bit didn’t appear out of nowhere. It seemed to me that clusters attracted each other and grew, sparkling determinedly.

Blog From a Rebel Monk – Happiness in Bite Sized Pieces

Multiple rocks are balance one another in a peaceful seaside location.

With my background in Buddhist meditation and training as a coach I am often asked The Big Questions of Life – particularly about how to be happy and cultivate a good mental state. I am always happy to share friendly thoughts on such subjects as best I can and this blog is one of those friendly times.

A Mind of Our Own

A Mind of Our Own

I wake up. I am in a bed in a small room in the aptly named Black Forest. There is no light. I cannot see my own hand in front of my face. I have no idea of the time and I dare not look at the clock. I don’t want to know how many interminable hours I will have to endure before dawn and daylight.

How to Survive and Thrive As A Coach

Two woman are sat at an office table surrounded by large windows. They are deep in conversation.

You may be new to the coaching business. Maybe you have just completed a qualification, or you are an experienced coach wanting to take your skills and experience in coaching to the next level. Whatever your intentions, there is a handy companion to help you on your journey: The Coach’s Survival Guide by Kim Morgan.

It’s a Conference, Jim, But Not As We Know It

The world was a different place when I booked my ticket in early March. 2020 was to be my first time at the UK ICF Conference. My diary had never cooperated in previous years, so this was going to be something completely new. As it turns out, by the time the Conference arrived we were all doing something completely new. Instead of smart clothes and name badges, we gathered remotely – all carpet slippers and jogging bottoms, children, pets, favourite tea mugs, dodgy bandwidth and Digestive biscuits.

The Joys of Working From Home

A cartoon graphic of a woman at a desk on her laptop. She is also writing in a notepad and has a stack of books next to her. There is a cat sat on the floor next to her.

A large percentage of the world is working from home right now, and I’d imagine most of those people are hating it. However, I’m a part of a small minority of people who actually enjoy working from home. Whilst I’m much happier in my own company and luckily not finding isolation as hard as other people, it’s important to remember that long periods of time spent alone, could be detrimental to you.