Distillers of Knowledge: Coaching for Grief and Loss


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SKU: BRFT-LBOG1 Category:

This book is designed for coaches who want to deepen their understanding of grief and loss and equip coaches with the tools and techniques to help support clients through experiences of grief, loss, endings and change.

This book challenges the view that grief is a specialist topic outside of the scope of coaching. It encourages coaches to create a safe space where clients can process these feelings. Whether you’re supporting clients. Colleagues or even yourself through a difficult transition, this book offers practical guidance and heartfelt insight.

Key features:

  • Explores grief, loss, endings, and change, providing coaches with the understanding needed to support clients through life’s inevitable transitions.
  • Includes a list of things to say to people who are grieving which are helpful, along with things not to say during times of loss and bereavement.
  • Emphasises that grief and loss are part of every human experience, helping coaches meet their clients where they are and support them in being heard and validated.
  • Offers strategies to help clients feel understood and supported during times of loss or change.

Why ‘Distillers of Knowledge’?

We pride ourselves on taking what might otherwise be complex psychological theories and models and talking about them in a way that anybody can understand. We believe that everybody benefits from learning about and practising coaching skills – and it’s catching! Coaching spreads into other areas of our life and the work and the positive effects are felt far beyond just ourselves. For this reason, it’s our mission to make the world a brighter place by bringing coaching skills to as many people as possible.